Sunday 26 May 2024



This year, the Auld Earlston exhibition focuses on the rich history of School Days. With a legacy spanning over four centuries, Earlston schools have a unique story to tell. Did you know Earlston had a boarding school for 'young ladies'? We're eager to hear your personal experiences that add to this fascinating narrative.

My memories of school only go back as far as the 1950s. You were sitting in classrooms that were freezing in winter and baking hot in summer. I remember Primary 2 with Vera Davidson. As Christmas approached, we made paper chain decorations and Chinese lanterns. After an hour of licking the glue strip, your mouth was dry, and your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth. You could hardly speak. Of course, that might have been the idea all along! Other times, we would weave mats using thread on a cardboard sheet. The mats were supposed to be rectangular, but mine looked like an egg timer!

Did you attend school in Earlston? What years were you a pupil? What are your memories of your school days in Earlston? Please let us know in the comments section below or email us at,

Every memory will be a cherished part of our exhibition, no matter how big or small. Your contributions will help us paint a rich and diverse picture of school days in Earlston.