As we come to commemorate the ending of the Second World War, here is an item from the Auld Earlston archive collection.
What was your family eating in Britain during the Second World War? How do these dishes appeal?
These dishes are among recipes that feature in a little booklet published during the Second World War by Earlston Women's Guild. (Ercildoune in the title was the old name for the village).
What was your family eating in Britain during the Second World War? How do these dishes appeal?
- Economy Omelet - made with dried egg.
- Herring Sandwich
- Savoury Bread Pudding - made with bread, suet and oatmeal.
- Savoury oatmeal pancakes - made with thick cold porridge.
- Sago Jelly
- Semolina Cake
These dishes are among recipes that feature in a little booklet published during the Second World War by Earlston Women's Guild. (Ercildoune in the title was the old name for the village).
Treats were not forgotten, with many biscuit recipes - ginger and oatmeal were favourites - and a "Wartime Shortie"
1 dessertspoonful of sugar into 4 ounces of margarine. Add 1 cupful of
flour and work in half a cupful of custard powder. Roll our thinly and
cut into rounds. Bake in a slow oven!
seemed to require 3-4 hours of boiling/steaming and the prospect of a
"Flourless Plum Pudding" was less appealing when you realised it was made
with 3 tablespoons of tapioca.
One recommended tip for prunes advised "No cooking or sugar required if they are soaked in water with a clove for two days."
One ingredient predominated in the recipes - dried egg. Imported from the USA, it was the government response to a wartime shortage of fresh eggs. which were rationed in June 1942. Dried eggs were easily transported and were "non perishable". But they were universally hated, mainly due to not being reconstituted correctly.
Sample 1943 rations of basics for a week for 1 person:
3 pints of milk
3 1/4Ib - 1Ib meat
1 egg a week or 1 packet of dried eggs (equal to 12) every 2 months
3 to 4 oz cheese
4 oz combined of bacon or ham
2 oz tea, loose leaf
8 oz sugar
2 oz butter
2 oz cooking fat
One recommended tip for prunes advised "No cooking or sugar required if they are soaked in water with a clove for two days."
One ingredient predominated in the recipes - dried egg. Imported from the USA, it was the government response to a wartime shortage of fresh eggs. which were rationed in June 1942. Dried eggs were easily transported and were "non perishable". But they were universally hated, mainly due to not being reconstituted correctly.
Sample 1943 rations of basics for a week for 1 person:
3 pints of milk
3 1/4Ib - 1Ib meat
1 egg a week or 1 packet of dried eggs (equal to 12) every 2 months
3 to 4 oz cheese
4 oz combined of bacon or ham
2 oz tea, loose leaf
8 oz sugar
2 oz butter
2 oz cooking fat
The Earlston booklet had an
introduction by the BBC "Radio Doctor" - Dr. Charles Hill who
during the Second World War gave advice in a daily broadcast from the
Ministry of Food called "Kitchen Front". His distinctive voice
with his frankness and down to earth approach made him hugely popular.
Chapters also featured on diet, child welfare, first aid, fresh air, care of the teeth, feet and hair.
In the First Aid section, along with the standard ailments of burns & scalds, shock, stings, bleeding nose, was something else that perhaps reflected the rural life of the readers;
For "Lime in the Eye" - bathe the eye with a weak solution of vinegar and water (eight parts water to one vinegar), Try to remove the lime with the corner of a handkerchief.
Put a drop or two of caster oil into the eye. I can't say that I fancy trying that treatment!
A Handy Hint advised " Keep potato peelings, for after being dried in the oven, they are useful for lighting fires instead of wood."
And not forgetting livestock - there was a recipe for making "wet mash for domestic poultry".
The booklet is an example of the fascinating little local publications which can often be unearthed and add so much colour to understanding about lives in the past.
Do you have any memories of what was on the table for your family to eat during the war?
Do share them with us - either by adding a comment (below) or e-mailing:
Glad I was not living in those times, as the meals sound very unappetizing. . Pat