Friday, 22 March 2019

Four Years of the Auld Earlston Blog

This month marks four years since the Auld Earlston blog was launched in 2015;  the aim to present articles, press cuttings,  and photographs on many aspects of Earlston's past ranging from work and leisure, institutions, transport, wartime, and individual Earlston worthies who made  their mark at home or abroad. A list of the topics featured  is given on the right of  the screen. 

So take a look  back here  at some of the most popular articles featured over the past four years.

Looking Back at the Past Year

In Previous Years

A charming tinted image of the Parish Church in early 20th century

  • Travel around Earlston in Times Past - An Earlston travel timeline looking at development from the building of Craigsford Bridge c.1737 to the new bridge over the Tweed at Leaderfoot in 1974.
  • Earlston's Village Blacksmiths:  The Brotherston family of blacksmiths continue in business in Earlston today, but in times past  there were many other blacksmiths in the village by the names of  Aitken,  Dickson,  Scott, Sudden, Lee,  Waldie and Wilkie

 As late as 14th October 1901,  a woman was brought before the Kirk Session  to be questioned on her "sin of fornication and having a child out of wedlock".
  • Earlston Reading Room - A look  at the past   - and the future - for the Earlston Reading Room which dates from 1852.   It was a  symbol of  Victorian self-help and the  desire for education.  The rules and regulations make entertaining reading. 
    The Reading Room on the left, next to the Corn Exchange.  The photograph pre-dates 1921 when the pump tower on the right was demolished to make way for the war memorial. 

  • Wartime Air Crash over Earlston  - An account of the air crash of 1943 when a German bomber came down near the village, killing all four members of the crew.  In 2015 the daughter and grandson  of the pilot made a moving visit to  Earlston to commemorate this war time tragedy. 


Auld Earlston welcomes contributions from readers to feature on the blog.
Please contact:

Monday, 11 March 2019

Earlston’s Changing Face - Exhibition and Slide Show

A Date for Your Diary  - “The Changing Face of Earlstonis the theme of the next Exhibition and Slide Show to be presented by the Auld Earlston  Group,  this year on Saturday and Sunday June 22nd and 23rd.   

The event will focus on village shops and businesses spanning 160 years.  Key features will be the display of large scale maps of the village in 1857, 1897 and 1967, together with photographs, advertisements, press reports,  and memories gathered from older residents. 

Complementing the exhibition over the two days will be four popular Slide Shows,  looking at the village “Then and Now”.

Auld Earlston  Chairman David Lothian said "We have been delighted at the positive responses to our four  previous exhibition weekends.    We were encouraged by the length of time many people took to look around, and exchange reminiscence.  Do come along to this two day event, with much of the material not shown before, and find out what our group is doing to keep Earlston's past alive for future generations". 

He added "Our  group  would welcome  contributions of photographs, old receipts, letterheads, plus memories of the many shops that once served the village.  These can be handed to committee members, or e-mailed to" 

For further information telephone: 01896 848240 or email 

c.1910 -  Weatherly's newsagent, printer and bookseller, 
After being empty for some time, the shop has recently opened
selling antique & recycled furniture  and gifts for the home

1953  - Guides  and brownies waiting outside Willie Alchin's baker's shop 
(now Tom Davidson Gallery) for a glimpse of the Queen passing through the village.
